Brushed Nickel Frameless Shower Door Aluminum U-Channel With Wipe for 3/8" Thick Glass

Short description
This door bottom mounted GDI U-Channel with Door Wipe has a 1/2 inch (12.7 millimeter) profile, which makes an even sight line when used next to a fixed panel glazed with Deep U-Channel on the bottom. While many will choose to use a clear wipe at the bottom of the shower door for an 'all-glass' look, others will want the continuous appearance of metal while using this Shower Door U-Channel With Wipe.
Brushed Nickel
1/2 in (12 mm)
Inside width
13/32 in (10 mm)
Minimum order
1 Each
This door bottom mounted GDI U-Channel with Door Wipe has a 1/2 inch (12.7 millimeter) profile, which makes an even sight line when used next to a fixed panel glazed with Deep U-Channel on the bottom. While many will choose to use a clear wipe at the bottom of the shower door for an 'all-glass' look, others will want the continuous appearance of metal while using this Shower Door U-Channel With Wipe.
Aluminum Channel With Built-In Vinyl Wipe Fits Onto Bottom of Shower Door Available in Several Finishes Maintains Continuous Metal Sightline When Used on Door Next to Fixed Panels With Deep U-Channel
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No additional product information available at this time.